November 11, 2010
The following is the final entries that I waited 16 months to publish. I have held onto this journal for so long, telling myself that I ought to just finish my final blog and commence the end to my journey. Part of me did not want it to end. I have thoroughly enjoyed the reflection and creativity in writing this blog, and even though I was not updating it any longer, I still felt like it was current in my mind. It was such an exhilarating experience, that I did not want to move on from it. In a way I felt like, how could I possibly top this experience? I realize that life is a compilation of many experiences. Some seem more extravagant than others, but all equally important. I look forward to many more wonderful and joyful experiences in my life.
The final entries of my summer:
July 26, 2009
I am about 15 minutes away from stepping onto the grounds of my last country to finish off my around-the-world summer adventure. I'll admit that I'm beginning to get used to these plane rides. I used to think that a three-hour flight from Kansas City to California was a long a 10-12 hour flight is no big deal. In just a few days I'll be stepping back on a plane to go all the way back home! Before that though, I have three full days to tour Sydney as much as possible. I'm staying with a couchsurfer host for the third time this summer, only this time I will be alone.
I'm not going to lie, I have been awake since 8am Friday morning and I would love to lay down and sleep right now, but there's just no time for that. Wake up Allison, Australia is waiting! I'll sleep in 3 days when I get home! Sleep deprivation is nothing that a good cup of coffee can't fix. Or pure adrenaline for that matter.
I just looked out my window and I can see land! Here I am! IN Australia! I've been informed by my best friend, Meagan, that I need to find a hunky Aussie to bring home. I figure that three days should give me plenty of time to woo someone with my American charm. Maybe even with enough leftover time to find a koala as well. (haha!) It's time to land and I'm ready for my newest adventure!
July 27, 2009
"Love simply loves the other, without wanting them to change for our own benefit - just as Christ loves us."
July 28, 2009
Wow. There are not enough words to describe how beautiful this view is that's all around me right now. Today is my third day in Australia and I decided to get out of the city during my last day, so I took a ferry cruise to Manly Wharf. The ferry ride itself was absolutely gorgeous. It rounded about the East side of the Opera House and traveled thirty minutes to Manly. Once I arrived I took a trail climb to the top of a cliff, which is where I am right now, sitting on the edge with my legs dangling off the side and listening to the sound of the waves hitting the rocks many feet below. The ocean is so beautiful, with so many shades of blue as far as my eyes can see. If I was picking the colors out of a crayon box, I would classify the deepest part of the ocean as cerulian (which was always my favorite shade of blue to color the sky in a coloring book page). As the water nears the rocks it becomes a darker turquoise and blue-green, with dark patches of seaweed beneath the water surface. I know my words could never do justice to the genuine beauty of this ocean.
As I was walking along the trail near the top of the cliff, I was thinking about how this is the last day of my study abroad/travel adventure. This time tomorrow I will be on an airplane back to the States. I know I've written so many times about how lucky I feel to have had this experience - and at this point I don't care if it sounds cliche again...I truly am just so grateful for how everything worked out. Most of all I am grateful for everyone who has helped and supported me so that I could make this happen.
This has been so much more than I ever expected. I can't believe I'm on the Australian coast right now, on the opposite side of the world. Tomorrow I will be taking my final airplane ride this summer. For 23 hours I will be on route to my final destination: my home in Kansas. While I feel so blessed to have had this amazing journey, I am thrilled to pieces to be heading home. When I think back to all the experiences I have had this summer, I still feel like I am dreaming. Did I really do this? Did I really travel around the world? Yes. And I've got the pictures to prove it!
I had no idea how much I would learn about myself this summer. I wanted to be in a position in which I was the outsider, the minority, to see how it feels to really be on my own. I see so many International students in the USA who leave their homes for years at time to embark on a new life in the States. I realize now just how exhilarating, yet difficult that can be. It's not easy adjusting to a lifestyle that is completely different from what you have always known. You make the best of it, and maybe in doing so, you realize you are a lot stronger than you thought.
All that being said, I guess it's true that there really "is no place like home".
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Friday, September 4, 2009
July 25, 2009...
Today was quite a way to depart from this country. Originally my intention was to take the subway with my roommate around myself 6 hours to sit at the airport...hanging out and reading magazines in Korean. (Only a few more hours until I will actually be able to read the books around me again!) Still, my plans for my final day changed tremendously. A few days ago I was approached by the International Corporation at Hanyang University, and they were looking for one male and female to model for a local design business. I assumed that I would be taking photos for the university...ones in which I would be wearing Hanyang gear and holding textbooks, looking like a typical foreign exchange student.
I was wrong! It turns out that the model agents are from a local design business near Seoul, who wanted models to advertise their design company. The owner of the company is friends with some of the instructors at Hanyang University, so I agreed to participate. Why not?!
So today, myself and Derek (a guy in the summer school program from Ohio) spent about five hours in a studio for our very first real photo shoot. Neither of us knew what we were getting ourselves into, and clearly we have never done anything like this before! We spent hours trying on their clothes...which were typically too tight or too short. Come on now...I'm 5'8", Derek is 6'2"...and we're in Korea. Each time he sat down, his pants came up close to his knees...and I had to suck in my belly and pull at the arms and legs to make things fit as well...but that was half the fun! We had a variety of roles to play, from teachers, to businessmen, to golfers and athletes. Derek even had to play Santa Claus, which I didn't quite was a bit ridiculous actually....but all to entertaining for me to watch!
I'll admit that while at first I felt a bit silly smiling and posing for the camera...eventually I started to enjoy it. I felt pretty special that they thought enough of us to want our faces as a part of their promotion. Back home I just blend in with the crowd, and I realize a bit more now that I do stand out here...and maybe it's not such a bad thing. No matter what happens with the photos, I will never forget the experience I had today. I never envisioned I would ever have a professional photo shoot and today gave me the opportunity to embrace multiple roles and explore a new part of myself. And to share this experience with Derek made it so much more memorable. There were times when I would feel really uncomfortable standing in front of the camera, and I would look at his smiling face and feel instanly relieved. I don't think too many people would have been as open minded as he was today. He's a person who can truly find the good in any situation and just make the best of each moment, and I appreciate that quality in people.
As for plane is making its way out of Asia and onto Australia! I'm going to sit here and stare out the window for the next 10 1/2 hours...and I'm going to be happy doing it!
Oh, and "kimchi" is the word you say in Korea when you take a photo. Who needs "cheese"?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 23rd, 2009...
When I left for my trip this summer I made certain assumptions as to how I would feel coming back home. I presumed that while I would miss home, I wouldn't be eagerly awaiting my return. I knew that I would grow in many ways from my experience abroad. Every new day presents itself with the opportunity to grow and learn more about the world and yourself no matter where you're at in life. When we get into the habit of a routine we just have to make a greater effort sometimes to stretch our opposed to my travels this summer, which more clearly presents opportunities in which I may step out of my comfort zone whether I like it or not. So in this circumstance I have been forced to be uncomfortable; forced to challenge myself; forced to recognize another lifestyle besides what I have always known. There have been may occasions this summer in which I wished that I could be back in my normal routine. Sometimes I just wanted to go about my day without having to think about adapting to a new language or culture. Sometimes I just wanted to "be", but deep down I know that is not why I took this trip. I didn't spend nine months saving money and push back graduation a full year to just "be" and not challenge myself.
I know that it's important to step outside of our comfort zones and embrace something new. In this case I feel like I made the choice to step outside of my comfort zone when I stepped on the plane the first time. Once I got off that plane 2 1/2 months ago, I felt more like I was kicked out of that comfort zone. It was no longer a choice. Every direction I stepped in lead me to something entirely new and there was no turning back. Therefore, what's the point in even trying to step back? Have you ever tried walking up an escalator in the opposite direction it's going? It's like you are exerting yourself 100 times more to go against the flow, only to end up in the same place you started. I think that about that with life. There have been numerous times when I feel as though I have tried to go against what I know I am really mean to do and the direction I should follow; but when I stop and just accept my choices and decisions I am much more satisfied...and much less exhausted!
That is how I feel now...satisfied. Everything that has happened this summer and every opportunity I have taken to learn and grow has been worth the sacrifices I made to be here. This journey has far exceeded my expectations and I am so grateful to have had these opportunities. Tomorrow I will graduate from Hanyang University Summer School and say goodbye to a country that has welcomed me with open arms and a friendly smile. To my surprise, I feel that not only do I accept the fact that this journey is nearing its end, but I am excited to return back to my home and to the people I love. (After I visit Sydney of course!) :)
When I left for my trip this summer I made certain assumptions as to how I would feel coming back home. I presumed that while I would miss home, I wouldn't be eagerly awaiting my return. I knew that I would grow in many ways from my experience abroad. Every new day presents itself with the opportunity to grow and learn more about the world and yourself no matter where you're at in life. When we get into the habit of a routine we just have to make a greater effort sometimes to stretch our opposed to my travels this summer, which more clearly presents opportunities in which I may step out of my comfort zone whether I like it or not. So in this circumstance I have been forced to be uncomfortable; forced to challenge myself; forced to recognize another lifestyle besides what I have always known. There have been may occasions this summer in which I wished that I could be back in my normal routine. Sometimes I just wanted to go about my day without having to think about adapting to a new language or culture. Sometimes I just wanted to "be", but deep down I know that is not why I took this trip. I didn't spend nine months saving money and push back graduation a full year to just "be" and not challenge myself.
I know that it's important to step outside of our comfort zones and embrace something new. In this case I feel like I made the choice to step outside of my comfort zone when I stepped on the plane the first time. Once I got off that plane 2 1/2 months ago, I felt more like I was kicked out of that comfort zone. It was no longer a choice. Every direction I stepped in lead me to something entirely new and there was no turning back. Therefore, what's the point in even trying to step back? Have you ever tried walking up an escalator in the opposite direction it's going? It's like you are exerting yourself 100 times more to go against the flow, only to end up in the same place you started. I think that about that with life. There have been numerous times when I feel as though I have tried to go against what I know I am really mean to do and the direction I should follow; but when I stop and just accept my choices and decisions I am much more satisfied...and much less exhausted!
That is how I feel now...satisfied. Everything that has happened this summer and every opportunity I have taken to learn and grow has been worth the sacrifices I made to be here. This journey has far exceeded my expectations and I am so grateful to have had these opportunities. Tomorrow I will graduate from Hanyang University Summer School and say goodbye to a country that has welcomed me with open arms and a friendly smile. To my surprise, I feel that not only do I accept the fact that this journey is nearing its end, but I am excited to return back to my home and to the people I love. (After I visit Sydney of course!) :)
Samsung Anyone?
July 22nd, 2009...
Today was our last field trip in Seoul as part of the summer program. We made a visit to Insadong, a very charming, pedestrianized street in Seoul that is notorious for its traditional Korean arts, crafts, antiques and many various tea and coffee shops. While it has remained traditional, it has become infamous for its modernized spiral building, called the Ssamziegil Center. Winding around this building one can find a multitude of expensive shops and various types of foods to taste, including my favorite...the ice cream-filled waffle. That's right folks, ice cream encompassed entirely by a large, sugary-crusted waffle.
After buying souvenirs we visited the Samsung Gallery. To be honest I wasn't very excited to visit the gallery, because I have never had much interest in electronics. I feel like my parents sometimes when I try to navigate my way around the newest technology (no offense to them of course!) :) South Korea is very proud of Samsung though, so I was a good sport and walked through the gallery, trying to fake an interest in the billions of computers and televisions that filled three floors. I was envisioning my brothers, Pat and Brian walking through and staring at each individual tv, and trying to decipher the very best one (even though they all look exactly the same to me!).
We continued to walk through all the tv's and feeling somewhat bored...when our tour guide led us to something truly amazing....a complete kitchen set, chock full of Samsung-like gadgets! I have never seen anything like it! It even had a wine cooler built into the wall, that played a very elegant sound when it was opened. It even had a special kimchi cooler, so that the kimchi didn't have to be buried underground. So if anyone feels generous, has hundreds of thousands of dollars at their disposal, and wants to buy me a gift...then I would greatly appreciate this completely electronic kitchen. I would never be greedy can omit the kimchi cooler. I'll just continue to store my stash underground in case anyone gets a craving for spicy, sour pickled cabbage.
Today was our last field trip in Seoul as part of the summer program. We made a visit to Insadong, a very charming, pedestrianized street in Seoul that is notorious for its traditional Korean arts, crafts, antiques and many various tea and coffee shops. While it has remained traditional, it has become infamous for its modernized spiral building, called the Ssamziegil Center. Winding around this building one can find a multitude of expensive shops and various types of foods to taste, including my favorite...the ice cream-filled waffle. That's right folks, ice cream encompassed entirely by a large, sugary-crusted waffle.
After buying souvenirs we visited the Samsung Gallery. To be honest I wasn't very excited to visit the gallery, because I have never had much interest in electronics. I feel like my parents sometimes when I try to navigate my way around the newest technology (no offense to them of course!) :) South Korea is very proud of Samsung though, so I was a good sport and walked through the gallery, trying to fake an interest in the billions of computers and televisions that filled three floors. I was envisioning my brothers, Pat and Brian walking through and staring at each individual tv, and trying to decipher the very best one (even though they all look exactly the same to me!).
We continued to walk through all the tv's and feeling somewhat bored...when our tour guide led us to something truly amazing....a complete kitchen set, chock full of Samsung-like gadgets! I have never seen anything like it! It even had a wine cooler built into the wall, that played a very elegant sound when it was opened. It even had a special kimchi cooler, so that the kimchi didn't have to be buried underground. So if anyone feels generous, has hundreds of thousands of dollars at their disposal, and wants to buy me a gift...then I would greatly appreciate this completely electronic kitchen. I would never be greedy can omit the kimchi cooler. I'll just continue to store my stash underground in case anyone gets a craving for spicy, sour pickled cabbage.
Making Connections
July 21st, 2009...
One of the most fascinating and appealing attributes of a person is to discover what they are passionate about. Whether or not I share in that same passion is irrelevant, because it is their sheer excitement that fascinates me and captures my attention. We can make connections with others simply by taking an interest in the parts of life in which they find meaningful. I think that the greatest connection you can make with another person is when you come to find that you share the same passion. I love that moment in a conversation when two people realize they have something in common, especially with those little qualities we all have that seem rare and unique only to us. To come to find that another person enjoys the same thing, has the same quirky trait, or has shared in the same experience is what makes interactions so appealing!
One of the best parts of this whole trip has been discovering those connections with people all over the world, whom have had such unique upbringings compared to my own. This is the part of my adventure I will not forget; this is the part that I believe will resonate within me. I think it's people who really make life meaningful. There are plenty of aesthetically beautiful places in our world and I am so thankful to have been able to explore more of them this summer, but those places will eventually lose their grandeur and appeal over time. We can walk the same streets over and over again or see the same sites day in and day out, and the history of it will always stay the same. That is in fact why it is called history. On the other hand, people will always be compelling, because they have a constant capacity for growth. No matter how long we have known a person or how much we have shared, there's always more beneath the surface. There's always more to explore. We are not stagnant; we are full of energy, emotions, and life and everyday we have the opportunity to learn and continue to grow into the best versions of ourselves.
One of the most fascinating and appealing attributes of a person is to discover what they are passionate about. Whether or not I share in that same passion is irrelevant, because it is their sheer excitement that fascinates me and captures my attention. We can make connections with others simply by taking an interest in the parts of life in which they find meaningful. I think that the greatest connection you can make with another person is when you come to find that you share the same passion. I love that moment in a conversation when two people realize they have something in common, especially with those little qualities we all have that seem rare and unique only to us. To come to find that another person enjoys the same thing, has the same quirky trait, or has shared in the same experience is what makes interactions so appealing!
One of the best parts of this whole trip has been discovering those connections with people all over the world, whom have had such unique upbringings compared to my own. This is the part of my adventure I will not forget; this is the part that I believe will resonate within me. I think it's people who really make life meaningful. There are plenty of aesthetically beautiful places in our world and I am so thankful to have been able to explore more of them this summer, but those places will eventually lose their grandeur and appeal over time. We can walk the same streets over and over again or see the same sites day in and day out, and the history of it will always stay the same. That is in fact why it is called history. On the other hand, people will always be compelling, because they have a constant capacity for growth. No matter how long we have known a person or how much we have shared, there's always more beneath the surface. There's always more to explore. We are not stagnant; we are full of energy, emotions, and life and everyday we have the opportunity to learn and continue to grow into the best versions of ourselves.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
A Day With Clay
July 18th, 2009...
Todays plans had to be altered a little bit due to the extremely rainy weather. We were going to be attending the Boryeoung Mud Festival (which literally involves playing in the mud all day). Unfortunately it has been incredibly rainy and there have apparently been some reported cases of contracting skin disease in the mud. With that being said...they didn't want to take the changes of us getting lost in the mud or developing any diseases (overly cautious if you ask me!), so we had a change of plans. After breakfast (which involved sitting on the floor again!) we left the wonderful town of Jeonju and headed to Incheon, which is famous for its traditional pottery. It amazed me to watch this man make a beautiful pot in about five minutes, which appeared to take absolutely no effort or technique at all. He made it look so easy...therefore, how hard can it be right? haha...wrong!
Due to our lack of pottery professionalism, (apparently a 1/2 semester of pottery class in high school wasn't enough of a qualification), they gave us a block of clay and let us make our own creations. The results may have been a little less than professional I suppose....but really, isn't art is all about interpretation and abstract thinking anyway? To make a perfectly symmetrical and pristinely designed piece of pottery would only be removing the very essence of that critical concept. 
Here's my flawed creation.....I wanted to give it an Irish appeal, so I attempted to make a shamrock handle on the lid, and a cross with an imprint of my Claddagh ring on the inside. Maybe it isn't million-dollar pottery YET, but I bet it could make a buck or two on E-bay in a few years... who knows where that could take me in the future!
All Sorts of Tradition
July 17th, 2009...
Korean Traditional field trip #2 may not have been filled with cameras and headline stories like the last one, but it was still an amazing cultural experience. Jeonju is located about 2 1/2 hours south of Seoul and is famous for being a traditional city, having been named a "royal city" during the Joseon Dynasty. We spent the day touring the city, observing their original wine distillery and paper-making processes.
Watching the men and women in the paper factory changed the way I look at paper. I've never thought much about where paper comes from or the process involved in turning a perfectly good tree into something I write letters on. The process to get to that final product is so long and tedious, and involves doing the exact same thing over and over all day. It was so hot and humid in the factory but yet it didn't seem to affect the workers; they just continued to do the same thing over and over...continuing on with the seemingly never-ending paper-making process. Never again will I waste a perfectly good piece of paper for something frivolous like a paper airplane! Okay, so that's not true....but I definitely respect the effort that goes into the paper aircraft assembly.

Later that day we were treated to dinner at a traditional restaurant, complete with straw mats instead of chairs. I walked in and my face lit up when I saw that we were taking off our shoes and sitting on the floor for dinner (it's the little things that bring happiness!). Now I'll admit that some of that excitement eluded me when I sat down to find a plate of fish still smiling at me. Thankfully there were plenty of other traditional foods to sample, in which we used a giant piece of lettuce to cover up the faces of our fresh-water friends. I typically like to taste everything, but I prefer not to eat bones if I can help I left the little fishies under the lettuce to rest.
After dinner we walked to our accommodations for the night, which consisted of a traditional Korean house setting. Descriptively, it resembled a courtyard with a square building around it, which housed roughly 3-4 people per room. The rooms were simply hardwood room with a bathroom and shower. To sleep you place a heavy blanket on the floor an use a lighter blanket to cover up. This was a much better experience than a motel/hotel/resort, or any other typical overnight location, because we were able to live in the downtown area of a city established in the 1300's in the same manner as people did hundreds of years ago...of course with the exception of the electricity we have come to know and love.

Korean Traditional field trip #2 may not have been filled with cameras and headline stories like the last one, but it was still an amazing cultural experience. Jeonju is located about 2 1/2 hours south of Seoul and is famous for being a traditional city, having been named a "royal city" during the Joseon Dynasty. We spent the day touring the city, observing their original wine distillery and paper-making processes.
Watching the men and women in the paper factory changed the way I look at paper. I've never thought much about where paper comes from or the process involved in turning a perfectly good tree into something I write letters on. The process to get to that final product is so long and tedious, and involves doing the exact same thing over and over all day. It was so hot and humid in the factory but yet it didn't seem to affect the workers; they just continued to do the same thing over and over...continuing on with the seemingly never-ending paper-making process. Never again will I waste a perfectly good piece of paper for something frivolous like a paper airplane! Okay, so that's not true....but I definitely respect the effort that goes into the paper aircraft assembly.
Later that day we were treated to dinner at a traditional restaurant, complete with straw mats instead of chairs. I walked in and my face lit up when I saw that we were taking off our shoes and sitting on the floor for dinner (it's the little things that bring happiness!). Now I'll admit that some of that excitement eluded me when I sat down to find a plate of fish still smiling at me. Thankfully there were plenty of other traditional foods to sample, in which we used a giant piece of lettuce to cover up the faces of our fresh-water friends. I typically like to taste everything, but I prefer not to eat bones if I can help I left the little fishies under the lettuce to rest.
After dinner we walked to our accommodations for the night, which consisted of a traditional Korean house setting. Descriptively, it resembled a courtyard with a square building around it, which housed roughly 3-4 people per room. The rooms were simply hardwood room with a bathroom and shower. To sleep you place a heavy blanket on the floor an use a lighter blanket to cover up. This was a much better experience than a motel/hotel/resort, or any other typical overnight location, because we were able to live in the downtown area of a city established in the 1300's in the same manner as people did hundreds of years ago...of course with the exception of the electricity we have come to know and love.
In the News!
July 16th, 2009...
We made the headlines!!! Okay, so yesterday we were scheduled to visit the GyeongBok Palace in northern Seoul. This palace was first constructed in the late 1300's during the Joseon Dynasty, but was heavily destroyed by the Japanese government in the early 20th century. It was later reconstructed and restored to its original form and is now available for tours to observe the traditional life and times of South Korea. I love history and I was excited just to visit a palace for the first time. And had the day ended with simply a walk around the palace and a short tour, I would have been perfectly satisfied...because I was happy just to be there.
Little did I know what we would actually be getting ourselves into... we quickly discovered that we were not just going to be taking a casual walk around the palace; instead, we would be re-enacting the Walk of the Royal Family through the palace! Each of us played a role and we were dressed accordingly with our part. I played the role of a court maiden, which involved me getting my hair pulled tightly into a long braid, which was then covered by an even longer black braid pinned to the back of my head. I can't say that it was too attractive, but at least I know not to opt for a hair color change any time soon! Anywho, we all were dressed in the royal hanbok (traditional clothing), which consisted of three layers and pointed shoes. Once we were ready, we began the Royal Walk through the palace while the other tourists followed and took pictures. 
As we walked through the palace I felt so honored to be there and participate in that experience. I still can't believe I made it here to Seoul, and am able to share in this opportunity to fully immerse myself in so many aspects of this richly diverse culture. To be engaged in such an honorable tradition made me feel so special and I know how lucky I am to be a part of this program!
So back to the we came to find that our pictures had been posted all over the news and websites in Seoul...three pages worth on one site alone. I can't exactly read the articles that accompany the photos...but I trust they are positive!
Monday, July 13, 2009
July 13th, 2009...
One benefit I've received from studying both Finnish and Korean language is that I've been able to feel what it is like to be a child learning the alphabet for the first time. This feeling is true especially while learning Korean, since the characters are completely new to me. When I first began looking intensively at the Korean language, all I could ensue was that all those funky looking symbols meant something to somebody...but that somebody was certainly not me. I imagine that as a child I once felt the same way. My family has told me stories of how I used to listen to a story over and over, and then recite that story from memory while flipping the pages pretending as though I were actually reading. I can imagine the excitement I must have felt thinking as though I could actually read what "big people" could read.
Here I am, 20-something years after I first started "reading", and I am right back to that same beginning. I feel the same excitement when I can read more than a line or two in a story. The only difference now is that I feel myself holding in my excitement so as not to appear overly giddy and childlike. However, I've never been too good at holding back my I am starting to just embrace it and feel happy about the accomplishments my class and I are making.
While I know we are making accomplishments, we are still often very confused because this language is so hard to grasp. I sit in class and I see my teacher try to explain things to us, and oftentimes I can see the frustration on her face because we just aren't picking it up. I completely understand her frustration because in her mind she is explaining something that is very easy and basic, and yet we are looking at her like a deer in headlights. I've been on that end many times while tutoring or teaching in a classroom, so I understand and can easily empathize with her point of view.
I feel as though this experience has given me the opportunity to empathize a little better with children in my future classroom. I knew that this experience would give me a chance to learn what it was like to be in the minority, with the hope that I could empathize with children in schools that also feel like they are in the minority. To my surprise, this experience has taught me so much more than that. At some point in time, all the students I work with will feel left out, behind or confused in the classroom...and I hope that I will be able to draw from this experience and have a greater amount of patience and understanding.
One benefit I've received from studying both Finnish and Korean language is that I've been able to feel what it is like to be a child learning the alphabet for the first time. This feeling is true especially while learning Korean, since the characters are completely new to me. When I first began looking intensively at the Korean language, all I could ensue was that all those funky looking symbols meant something to somebody...but that somebody was certainly not me. I imagine that as a child I once felt the same way. My family has told me stories of how I used to listen to a story over and over, and then recite that story from memory while flipping the pages pretending as though I were actually reading. I can imagine the excitement I must have felt thinking as though I could actually read what "big people" could read.
Here I am, 20-something years after I first started "reading", and I am right back to that same beginning. I feel the same excitement when I can read more than a line or two in a story. The only difference now is that I feel myself holding in my excitement so as not to appear overly giddy and childlike. However, I've never been too good at holding back my I am starting to just embrace it and feel happy about the accomplishments my class and I are making.
While I know we are making accomplishments, we are still often very confused because this language is so hard to grasp. I sit in class and I see my teacher try to explain things to us, and oftentimes I can see the frustration on her face because we just aren't picking it up. I completely understand her frustration because in her mind she is explaining something that is very easy and basic, and yet we are looking at her like a deer in headlights. I've been on that end many times while tutoring or teaching in a classroom, so I understand and can easily empathize with her point of view.
I feel as though this experience has given me the opportunity to empathize a little better with children in my future classroom. I knew that this experience would give me a chance to learn what it was like to be in the minority, with the hope that I could empathize with children in schools that also feel like they are in the minority. To my surprise, this experience has taught me so much more than that. At some point in time, all the students I work with will feel left out, behind or confused in the classroom...and I hope that I will be able to draw from this experience and have a greater amount of patience and understanding.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Happy Heart
July 12, 2009...
It was raining hard outside today, but my heart was shining on the inside! Okay, so I know that's cheesy...but y'all know me well enough by now to expect such corniness. I have had plans to attend mass at the Myeong-dong Cathedral for two weeks now, so I was bound and determined to keep that promise. This Cathedral was built in the late 1800's and was the first brick-laid Gothic style building in Korea. Inside the church are beautiful granite pillars, stained glass windows, and a gorgeous altar. And while the physical attributes of this cathedral were exquisite, the best part was sharing something in common among individuals with whom I couldn't actually share verbal communication.
There was an opportunity to attend an English mass, but neither I nor my friend, Julia, cared to attend that service. We have attended countless masses in English and will continue to do so when we return home; we wanted to experience the mass we know and love in Korean with the local community. While we weren't able to understand the words, we followed along by memory as best as possible. The part about today that made me the most excited was being able to actually sing in Korean by following along in the hymnals. Both Julia and I have been taking Beginner Korean Language and the songs were slow enough that we could follow along and sing with everyone. Granted I don't have any idea about the words I was singing, but that isn't the main purpose.
The main purpose is that when I arrived in Seoul nearly three weeks ago, I never would have expected to participate in the mass and actually be able to read Korean and sing along. When I first arrived here I was completely clueless...about everything. I could hardly find my way to my bedroom, let alone read or understand any of the language. Three weeks ago the Korean alphabet was just a bunch of symbols that seemed nicely put together; and now I am finding the meaning and purpose of those symbols...and I feel very delighted by that. It's the little things that bring me happiness and make me feel like a part of the community, and today was a perfect example. 
Saturday, July 11, 2009
B-Boy and Korean Pop Music
July 11th, 2009...
Last night we went to a B-Boy performance. As described in the brochure, B-boy is a "newborn special performance of modern - ballet, B-boying, Lockin', Pop-pin', Jazz-dance with costume using electricity and wire equipment". It's mainly a group of males who breakdance and do all kinds of crazy pop and lock moves to some intense music, ranging from hip hop to Celine Dion.
Yes, Celine Dion....and LeAnn Rimes. The best part of the performance was watching the teenage girls around the stage screaming and giggling whenever any of the guys came close to them. It reminded me of the days when my school-girl friends and I would get all googly-eyed over the latest boy bands. Oh the days of All-4-One and N*Sync... I'll admit that I even came back to my dorm and listened to "It's Tearing Up My Heart" and "I Swear". I smiled as I listened and reminisced...and I am not ashamed of it! At least I didn't open up my old Spice Girls album... at least not today!
Papparazzi Alert!
July 10th, 2009...
One thing I have come to realize even more here is the importance of both our verbal and nonverbal actions. Clearly I can't speak much of the language and therefore I have to communicate friendliness with my facial expressions. I've always believed in the power of a smile, and in South Korea I feel an even greater obligation and desire to smile at everyone I meet. Back home I blend in with my surroundings and I only represent myself. It's not the same here. I don't blend in and therefore people notice me differently than they do with the other locals. And because they notice me, they pay greater attention to my actions. Not only do I represent myself through my actions, but I represent my country. My interactions with others often directly influence their perceptions of the country in which I come from.
People in South Korea (especially the young crowd), highly look up to people from the USA and base their perceptions on what they see in movies. I am especially courteous around children, because they are easily fascinated when they see any of us from the States. I walked past a school bus full of young girls a couple of days ago and they were all yelling "hi" in English. When I smiled, waved, and said "hi" in return, they all screamed and giggled as though I were a celebrity. Today, four little girls approached me in the supermarket, asked me what my favorite color was, and had the adult with them take a picture of all of us together. I'm just a typical girl from Kansas and it was incredibly flattering to be noticed like that! It also just made me realize even further that I have a responsibility to portray myself and the USA in a kind and loving manner.
The excitement to see an American is not limited to small children either. This morning I went for a run along a nice path in which many older individuals were planting flowers. Nearly everyone I passed stopped and pointed at me. Literally, everyone, and there were a lot of people. I wasn't offended by any means, but after about 10 minutes I turned around and headed back. It was just a little more than I felt comfortable with. My roommate explained to me that the elderly population has the least amount of experience being around foreigners and are therefore more startled at times than the younger generation.
Okay, last story I promise....two days ago I went for a run around the campus and I decided to do hill repeats up this really steep incline. There was a middle-aged woman who came walking up the stairs adjacent to the hill. Just as I was getting ready to begin my 3rd repeat, she stopped and pointed her camera in my direction. I waited because I assumed she was taking a picture of something around me and I didn't want to get in the way of her photo. But she just sort of stood there, so I started to run again and then she snapped a photo. I wondered in my head if she was taking a picture of me, but I naturally assumed that she didn't. Once I reached the top of the hill I turned back around and jogged down, when she took another photo! This pattern continued through my 8th repeat, before she reached the top of the stairs and walked away.
I think I'm beginning to realize that while I think I'm representing myself as a kind and friendly person by smiling at everyone as I walk/run past all actuality, they probably just think I'm a nut! I suppose I'll never know... :)
One thing I have come to realize even more here is the importance of both our verbal and nonverbal actions. Clearly I can't speak much of the language and therefore I have to communicate friendliness with my facial expressions. I've always believed in the power of a smile, and in South Korea I feel an even greater obligation and desire to smile at everyone I meet. Back home I blend in with my surroundings and I only represent myself. It's not the same here. I don't blend in and therefore people notice me differently than they do with the other locals. And because they notice me, they pay greater attention to my actions. Not only do I represent myself through my actions, but I represent my country. My interactions with others often directly influence their perceptions of the country in which I come from.
People in South Korea (especially the young crowd), highly look up to people from the USA and base their perceptions on what they see in movies. I am especially courteous around children, because they are easily fascinated when they see any of us from the States. I walked past a school bus full of young girls a couple of days ago and they were all yelling "hi" in English. When I smiled, waved, and said "hi" in return, they all screamed and giggled as though I were a celebrity. Today, four little girls approached me in the supermarket, asked me what my favorite color was, and had the adult with them take a picture of all of us together. I'm just a typical girl from Kansas and it was incredibly flattering to be noticed like that! It also just made me realize even further that I have a responsibility to portray myself and the USA in a kind and loving manner.
The excitement to see an American is not limited to small children either. This morning I went for a run along a nice path in which many older individuals were planting flowers. Nearly everyone I passed stopped and pointed at me. Literally, everyone, and there were a lot of people. I wasn't offended by any means, but after about 10 minutes I turned around and headed back. It was just a little more than I felt comfortable with. My roommate explained to me that the elderly population has the least amount of experience being around foreigners and are therefore more startled at times than the younger generation.
Okay, last story I promise....two days ago I went for a run around the campus and I decided to do hill repeats up this really steep incline. There was a middle-aged woman who came walking up the stairs adjacent to the hill. Just as I was getting ready to begin my 3rd repeat, she stopped and pointed her camera in my direction. I waited because I assumed she was taking a picture of something around me and I didn't want to get in the way of her photo. But she just sort of stood there, so I started to run again and then she snapped a photo. I wondered in my head if she was taking a picture of me, but I naturally assumed that she didn't. Once I reached the top of the hill I turned back around and jogged down, when she took another photo! This pattern continued through my 8th repeat, before she reached the top of the stairs and walked away.
I think I'm beginning to realize that while I think I'm representing myself as a kind and friendly person by smiling at everyone as I walk/run past all actuality, they probably just think I'm a nut! I suppose I'll never know... :)
Chopsticks and Pizza???
Today was my roommate's birthday! Last night I blew up a bunch of balloons and hid them in my closet, and when she fell asleep I scattered them on her bed and the floor beside it. In the morning she woke up with a shriek, and then I sang "Happy Birthday" to her (in English and Finnish of course) and gave her a basket of candy to start the day right. It wasn't much, but I know it made her feel special! What a fantastic beginning to the day!
That evening we were invited to attend a banquet for all exchange students that are preparing to leave Seoul to study abroad. The entire presentation was in Korean so we couldn't really understand what was going on, and the huge buffet right beside us was a bit distracting. After all, what college student doesn't get excited about free food? I'll tell you who....this girl right here. I haven't had the best of luck with the food here in Korea so I felt a bit indifferent about the enormous buffet, until my eyes caught a glimpse of something truly wonderful that I haven't seen in a long time....amidst all the fish, pork, and spicy whatnot that most other people were drooling over, was a tray of juicy watermelon! My eyes opened wider and I began to see more....oranges, seemed too good to be true! I know I probably got a bit too excited about this, but I really miss eating fruit! The travel rule when it comes to fruit is that if you can't peel it, don't eat I have avoided it altogether. Not tonight! My tummy was happy!
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