July 16th, 2009...
We made the headlines!!! Okay, so yesterday we were scheduled to visit the GyeongBok Palace in northern Seoul. This palace was first constructed in the late 1300's during the Joseon Dynasty, but was heavily destroyed by the Japanese government in the early 20th century. It was later reconstructed and restored to its original form and is now available for tours to observe the traditional life and times of South Korea. I love history and I was excited just to visit a palace for the first time. And had the day ended with simply a walk around the palace and a short tour, I would have been perfectly satisfied...because I was happy just to be there.
Little did I know what we would actually be getting ourselves into... we quickly discovered that we were not just going to be taking a casual walk around the palace; instead, we would be re-enacting the Walk of the Royal Family through the palace! Each of us played a role and we were dressed accordingly with our part. I played the role of a court maiden, which involved me getting my hair pulled tightly into a long braid, which was then covered by an even longer black braid pinned to the back of my head. I can't say that it was too attractive, but at least I know not to opt for a hair color change any time soon! Anywho, we all were dressed in the royal hanbok (traditional clothing), which consisted of three layers and pointed shoes. Once we were ready, we began the Royal Walk through the palace while the other tourists followed and took pictures. 
As we walked through the palace I felt so honored to be there and participate in that experience. I still can't believe I made it here to Seoul, and am able to share in this opportunity to fully immerse myself in so many aspects of this richly diverse culture. To be engaged in such an honorable tradition made me feel so special and I know how lucky I am to be a part of this program!
So back to the headlines...today we came to find that our pictures had been posted all over the news and websites in Seoul...three pages worth on one site alone. I can't exactly read the articles that accompany the photos...but I trust they are positive!
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