So, that same girl I mentioned that befriended me...came back and found me at the Travel Center, bringing me clothes to wear the next few days! What a kind thing to do! I was perfectly appreciative that she gave me her information and offered to get together with me, yet she went above and beyond to reach out to someone she
doesn't even know. Then she stayed with me for over an hour until Johannes came to meet me. Wow. I am amazed. And...they found my luggage!! It was left in Frankfurt and will be here in a few days!

Well, its about 10 30 pm Saturday, and Ive been awake since early Friday morning, and even though its still light outside,
I'm going to try and sleep and start a fresh new day tomorrow!
OH yeah, and a major plus, I was able to read through all of Acts and halfway through Romans so far. Godspeed ahead! Goodnight!
<--(German Newspaper)
Keep the posts coming. I feel like I am reading a book that is being handed to me a page at a time. Best thing I've read in a long time....