June 10th...
We walked into Lozzi, our favorite lunchtime cafeteria...and the only item on the menu today
read: Pork Party. We all look skeptically at one another and wonder what that may entail. Shall we try it? Of course! We stand in line, grab our plates, and then our eyes immediately glanced to our left. Laying on a very wide table, was a giant pig. A giant, smoked pig. Staring at us. There was a man on the other side of this robust oinker, just carving into it and filling everyone's plates with chunks of pork. Now don't get me wrong, I've eaten pork-like foods before, but I never actually see the the animal itself, so I don't really associate my food with former wildlife. Although it was surprisingly quite tasty, I think I may revert to vegetarianism for awhile...
Scratch that thought. Tonight we complete our final goal here in Finland. We're eating reindeer! Just as long as Rudolph isn't lying on the table in front of me, I'll be happy...!
We walked into Lozzi, our favorite lunchtime cafeteria...and the only item on the menu today
Scratch that thought. Tonight we complete our final goal here in Finland. We're eating reindeer! Just as long as Rudolph isn't lying on the table in front of me, I'll be happy...!
You finally got your reindeer! I am so happy for you, and I won't tell Kendall...