Monday, May 18, 2009

Sleep? Nah...

(View from my kitchen,
at 3AM)--->

Monday, May 18th...

11:00pm (and it's still light of course)

Well, you know how I mentioned yesterday that I was worried I wouldn't wake for class? No problem there...want to know why? Because I awoke at 1:15am! I went to bed at midnight...and started my day a little over an hour later! This jet lag thing is a long adjustment! So needless to say, I was a good pupil and arrived very much on time!

I also met many more international students today in class, which was AMAZING! I'm enrolled in Social Networks and Interpersonal Relations in a Multicultural World. My instructor, Lotta, is fascinating and focuses the class on growing as a community. This class is like an extension of my Diversity in Counseling course from Dr. Bachner at PSU, and we really reflect upon why we have adaptation issues and why we have particular interpretations of ourselves and others. How do we determine what is right and wrong? There is so much discussion and I love it!

I ate real food today! I loved being at the cafeteria and feeling like a foreigner, trying to figure out the menu. I ended up with some sort of vegetarian chili and rye bread, which was quite fabulous. I hear that a popular food is reindeer? I'm going to keep my eye out for that. I'll inform you as to how it goes! In some ways I am really beginning to feel out of my comfort zone, and I am enjoying it. Today I went for a 7-mile run around the lake with my friend, and of course I said "hei" to everyone I passed. Not one response. It made me chuckle. Maybe tomorrow? :)


  1. Allison you make me smile! :) Sounds like you are having the greatest time! ;) I love reading all about your adventures...keep em' coming! :)

  2. Allie, it is just unbelievable that what we are reading you are actually experiencing. Hey girl--with your infectious smile, I am sure you will have that country turned around very soon--keep smiling :)
