Friday, June 26, 2009

What Day Is It??

June 25... (I think, maybe it's the 26th) My days are all mixed up!

You know how I was talking about how I have to adjust more than I ever imagined? The thing is...I like that. I'm excited by it; intrigued even, because I'm going to have to really exert myself in order to really be immersed in this new culture. That is what I came here to do. I know that I could stay here a month and only go to class, then retreat to my dorm and stay in my comfort zone. But that is not me. I'm going to put my best efforts into getting out there and feeling what it's like to be in the minority. In Finland I felt that somewhat, but I had a close group of International students to be with. Right now, I am here along with only my own resources to get me by. I am just walking along and becoming familiar with the campus, and just experiencing the moment. I am truly in a new place and part of a new culture. Even just walking along campus feels so much different.

Another thing, apparently there's a new influenza floating around...Influenza A? It's something that foreigners are bringing to the country. Maybe my brother, Pat knows something about this. Well, because of that, I have to check my temperature twice daily and report to the doctor every morning for seven days. Since they won't know for sure if I don't have Influenza A, I have to wear a face mask while I'm in class with other Korean students. So next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday...I'll have to wear a mask for seven hours each day. It kind of makes me feel like the little sick kid who nobody is allowed to play with! It's just all part of the new experience, so I will obey my instruction and wear the mask as I am told.

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